Thursday, October 2, 2008

How we view money decide our wealth

Have you noticed that people seem to be broke for generations? Grandparents bring up their children to have certain out look on money, and they in tern pass on the same ideas to their children and so on and so forth. The same seems to be happening with people who do extremely well with money. They stay wealthy for generations. Why is that? What is that factor that keeps us poor or wealthy? Can we influence or change it?

I believe that the answer is yes. Not only we can change our money fate, but we can also change it for our children and their children.

Imagine a following situation. You grow up poor, but something changes and in the midst of your life and you become very wealthy. Knowing your past, you treat that money with great respect and teach your children to do the same. That legacy stays with your family for generations.

The question remains - what do we have to change in order for us to change our money "fate"?

One of the biggest things we are going to have to change about our selves is how we view money. If our attitude about money is negative (i.e. we look at it as a "necessary evil", something that is against our nature but a must if we want to survive in this life) what do you think are chances of you being fantastically wealthy? This kind of attitude will give us exactly what we deserve - we will be able to survive on a bare minimum all our life.

As a matter a fact how you view money will in large dictate you financial situation, giving you a sort of a blueprint your life follows, financially speaking. For example an attitude of lack (a constant financial shortcoming) will effectively keep you struggling for as long as you think of it as a reality. In fact it is a self fulfilling prophecy. Because you think that money is a struggle, it de-motivates you not to try to bring your self to find ways to improve your situation. So the first step is to change your attitude about finances - learn to respect and honour money.

I will talk more about it in my next post. Tired now after doing my research on this topic :)