Monday, September 24, 2007

8 Blocks to Wealth

There is a lack of wealth consciousness in many societies so much so that we suffer because of the misguided advices. That's why it is not surprising that most people grow up with negative attitudes to financial abundance.

Marie Callas says there are generally 8 blocks to your road to wealth.

#1: I don't deserve to be rich.

Every person here has a deserving access to the abundance of the Universe. It is your reward.

#2: I must work hard for the money.

Abundance comes when you are aligned to it. Money can come anytime when you are 100% ready.

#3: Rich people are bad guys who bully poor guys.

Change this concept to I can be a wealthy and generous person.

#4: I can't be wealthy working on what I love.

Abundance is around. Choose to pursue the activities you love, and be in alignment with wealth at the same time.

#5: There's no such thing as a free lunch.

The more you align with a vibration of wealth, the more easily everything will flow to you.

#6: I'm too old and unqualified.

There is nothing to do with your age. It all depends on your wealth flow alignment.

#7: I don't believe in law of attraction.

Just like you are trust the air you breath every second is life-giving, the laws of the universe are at work every second of your life.

#8: Rich people have to entertain many distrusting people around.

You are what you are. What you are attracts what sort of people, no matter rich or poor.

There you are, some of the knowledge I have learn from Marie Callas. Hope you find them useful and meditate on them when you are free.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Change to a happy state

When you meet an old friend out there in the streets, but somehow you just can’t remember his/her name?

I bet you did.

Then do you ever have a time where you can’t really read, because you just can’t, this is what most of us called mood. However, we called it state. If you want a fast change, change your state. If you say that you are lazy. You are in a lazy state. If you are happy, you are at a happy state. If you are stupid, you are at a stupid state.

No laws in the world state that you are stupid forever, or you can be happy forever. It is a state. A state , in a more simple understanding, means that the current situation your mind at.

So guys, state can be changed easily, so do life. Desire for it. Hungry for it, and it shall be given to you.

Just another ranting post ..

Friday, September 14, 2007

Meditation skills

Marie Callas book on the Great Secrets has taught me how to meditate and i have taken to its instruction for as much as I can. Meditation I think is a skill as I'm a beginner. I do feel there is a greater sense of peace after each session. My sleeps have been much better and I no longer wake up in the morning feeling "stuck" in the head.

Guess have to be in the right frame of psychic mind, but I have to learn to control my own thinking as my senses can go on overloaded sometimes and I need to shut them off. Meditation I thought has allowed me to control them.

What works fairly well is that I imagine I'm in a place, at a big green grass patch near a beach overlooking a glowing sunset with the serene splashes of the wave brushing the seashore. There is cool sea breeze coming to me in quick gentle succession. What a beautiful scenery, isn't it.

Remember...meditation is the homebound journey towards your self.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Friends around me always lament to me about their "bad luck". I just wonder why are there so much "bad luck" around but hardly any good luck. Maybe people remembers "bad" more than "good".

I think I had a fair share of bad luck all my life, like, missing out on the winning lottery number by a whisker, raining out there when I don't have umbrella, car being scratched and so on... Marie Callas said there is a block between you and luck, that's why there is a bad luck. To change it, there are two ways. One is to take steps to do those things that lead to more good luck. The other is to stop doing the things that cause bad luck. Logical right?

I'd like to point out bad luck is often caused by your own actions. You receive what you have done. Maybe you have been blaming people around when things go wrong, or giving excuses, who and who is at fault, all except yourself. Blaming others or making excuses puts things outside of your control and so things tend to "happen" to you even more, often in the way of bad luck. Stop giving excuses and increase area of influence in the project you do will give you more chances of receiving good luck!

I remember vividly gurus often say we have to learn from your mistakes, for that's the best lessons of a person's life. Identify what go wrong for you and learn from it, or even earn from other's mistakes and you can avoid making many of your own.

I should end by saying, luck is the result of what you have from your sphere of influence. The more positive contacts you have the more luck you will receive.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Declare your intention to the Universe

This is powerful stuff at work!

"Do not ask the universe for what you want. Declare it. Don’t ask. This is very similar to prayer, but you are not praying FOR what you want. You are praying WHAT you want."

All the "hopefully" and "maybe" and "can't" nonsense must be cleared from your consciousness. You cannot allow yourself the luxury of a negative thought, and that is an intention to manifest what you don't want. This takes practice of course, but it is the essential art of learning to use your consciousness to create what you want. When you are congruent in your thoughts, your goal will manifest with ease. But when you are incongruent in your thoughts, you will manifest conflict and obstacles. As within, so without.

From Steve Pavlina.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Need for more speed

Internet has been very slow recently. Is the information super highway getting its worst traffic jam ever, or is my ISP short-changing me?

It really comes to a crawl sometimes, throwing me back to the good old days of 56K modem. Accessing and editing posts at Blogger is especially slow. I hate having to wait for pages to be updating KB by KB, that's why I prefer to watch DVDs rather than staring at the slow loading pages.

For now, back to Marie Callas meditation again...