Monday, December 29, 2008

Right and Wrong

I can't help but be amazed at how many people feel the need to make others wrong about their beliefs.

Why is it that so many have to be right? And why do they then have to make anyone who disagrees with them wrong?

Marie Callas reasons that people think in terms of right and wrong. If you are right and I disagree with you then I must be wrong. Right?

She says it's an ego thing too! Ego is afraid of death. Therefore it needs identity. Opinions and beliefs are part of this identity. When you find yourself being wrong, your ego loses a part of his identity - this would mean it gets closer to death. In order to prevent itself from getting closer to death it has to be right.

To me, a lot of things boil down to you have your viewpoint which stems from your experiences. I have the same. How often is it that we are like the 3 blind men describing an elephant? Each one of us sees (or feels in the case of the blind men) a different part of the truth. In a way we are all right. At the same time we are all wrong. Its when we can take the elements of truth out of each point of view that we can find the real truth.