Monday, May 21, 2007

DIfficult person to work with

I have a colleague who's infamous for being unpunctual. His nickname is called 'Rubber' because he has a rubber time, meaning, it's stretchable and you have no idea what time he'll arrive. Just to take an example, if the appointment with him is at 2pm, he would arrive at 3pm or even 4pm in some worse cases. If you give him a call to ask him where he is, his typical reply is 'I'm on the way, will reach in about 10 minutes, sorry!" The funniest thing is that's he can reach office at around 10am almost everyday yet, nothing serious has happened to him! Is he being blessed or shielded or what? I heard from other's that he's still lazing at home at the time when he's supposed to show up for the meeting.

I think I'll have a tough time with him because he is going to be one of the members for my latest work project! Another famous behaviour of his is that, he uses his 'mouth' to work, meaning just talk and no action. He's damn good in arguing, critising, condemning, and fault-finding. Yet when ask for his suggestions, his typical reply is that he would require people to sit down to have a 'brinstorming' session with him and to discuss, but then he would just sit down being cynical for suggestions we bring up.

So how to work with this type of person? Any idea?