Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Giving attention to...

I'd like to ask a simple question. What do you give most of your attention to in your life?

By questioning, we can know ourselves better sometimes. The answer is to is, what you pay attention to most is the thing/person you have most love for. If you give utmost attention to a person, that means you love that person, simple as that. If you only care a lot about your car, you are more of a lover to your car than the people around you.

So put aside your strong egoistic mind and share you love with the people around you. It will make this world a better place. I understand it is not easy and most of us her are self-driven and selfish. We only care when it has tangible benefits to us. Isn't that pitiful?

When you give attention to someone, you are channeling strong love energy to them, and the energies from both parties will connect, which is subtle but the person can still pick it up.

Giving attention is equally rewarding when you give it to whatever you are doing. The egoic mind draws you into its unreal world of thought. Giving your attention, instead, to whatever is going on in the moment is an act of loving life rather than rejecting it by escaping into the mental world of the ego.

It’s the only place where it is possible to experience real love, acceptance, contentment, peace, and joy. And all you have to do is put your attention on what is happening now instead of on the mind.