How does the physical state of being consciousness feel for you?
When I am in what I call a conscious state of mind It feels as if I am physically different.
Mentally I am more lucid and clear minded, physically I am more relaxed. I feel peaceful and I always have a sense of the awareness that perceives, that stillness.
When I am in this state my intentions seem to become real so much more easily. Positive little things will cross my mind and then appear in reality.
Meditation and understanding the ego and how it drains your energy has been my biggest progress towards this state.
After reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle was the first time I experienced it (I observed my egoic thoughts all day and eventually they went quiet). It is totally different to my "natural" state which consists of up-and-down energy, a cloudy mind and thoughts that are all over the place.
Luckily I am experiencing this more and more so I would love to know if anyone relates to this or has other experiences.
What do you find makes you conscious?