Monday, December 29, 2008
Right and Wrong
Why is it that so many have to be right? And why do they then have to make anyone who disagrees with them wrong?
Marie Callas reasons that people think in terms of right and wrong. If you are right and I disagree with you then I must be wrong. Right?
She says it's an ego thing too! Ego is afraid of death. Therefore it needs identity. Opinions and beliefs are part of this identity. When you find yourself being wrong, your ego loses a part of his identity - this would mean it gets closer to death. In order to prevent itself from getting closer to death it has to be right.
To me, a lot of things boil down to you have your viewpoint which stems from your experiences. I have the same. How often is it that we are like the 3 blind men describing an elephant? Each one of us sees (or feels in the case of the blind men) a different part of the truth. In a way we are all right. At the same time we are all wrong. Its when we can take the elements of truth out of each point of view that we can find the real truth.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Faith is basic building block
Just imagine you are driving our national car on North South highway, you have good faith that the car will bring you safely and reliably to your destination, and that your life wouldn't be endangered. Similarly, your have faith that the lift that brings to the top stories of Petronas Tower won't fail you. This is faith in the technical expertise of the engineers who made the lifts.
Among humans, i have faith and trust that my subordinate will carry out the tasks they have been assigned to on time and on the spot. Likewise, you have faith that your wife or hubby will be faithful to you, if not, the state of harmony will be disrupted.
For religious people, faith is even more important role in their lives. People pray to God for protection, wisdom, and abundance. They know God will be there for them, at all times. So when difficult times hit them, they have faith that God will bail them out. They have great faith that prayers will be answered eventually.
Life can seem just as bleak and dark as an ocean on a stormy night but by relying on Faith to carry us through, we also know that the morning will be a brand new day that should be joyful and bright. Every rainfall can be a cleansing experience in more ways than one, and many people find great solace from the morning dew on grass just outside their front door.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
5 Strange Lucky Charms
Turns out there are so many lucky charms out there on the net, with the simplest of purposes (to bring you luck), to the looniest. Some of them we already know; while some are just out of this world.
Here are a few:
Indescribable Key Chain The picture says its all. If you're feeling unlucky in the copulation department, then this trinket is for you. The site where I saw this says it was probably from the 70s because of the physical features of both the man & women, reminiscent of the trends during that year.
Money Tree With the price of oil going haywire these days, perhaps I shall purchase my own money tree although I think gamblers need these more than me (or maybe my mom who is a bingo enthusiast). Whatever your reason maybe, the money tree will bring you luck in the financial department. Popular with the gambling folks
Omamori Charm from Japan Suspiciously looks like a tea bag to me! It's a charm for protection from various elements (ghosts and other vicious back stabbers beware). It also helps a bit in gambling (what is with these general purpose lucky charms!?). Looks nice with its traditional print, and an added bonus! If you keep it in your car and backpack, you'll have a more auspicious or luckier chance with the women. Doesn't hurt to try! If you're a fan of Japanese Culture, this is for you.
Raccoon Penis Bones From the name itself, you'd know what this is lucky charm is for. Jerry Hall once said that "growing up in Texas, boys gave raccoon penis bones to girls they liked as a form of love token or simple love spell". In 2004, it became popular among women who were sold to this love amulet to get their luck with men started. In fact, a group of women capitalized on this and started selling raccoon penis bones in the form of earrings (hmm that sounds... not so sexy.) Also in 2004, Third Eye Blind Frontman caught Vanessa Carlton's eye when he gave her a dried raccoon's penis necklace and his book "Sarah". Literally worked like a charm!
Lucky Charm from WOW I just had to feature this! These are just some of what I've been reading over at the forums:
"Can also be used for the superstitious. It could help improve the drop rate of your desired item! Make sure you collect 7 if you're even more superstitious."
"Rogue with these charms seemed to attract paladin drops. Amazing."
"Be sure not to stop farming them when you get 13." Spooky.
I've always believed in making my own luck, paving my own road, but sometimes I just like to hold on to something tangible - and I guess these lucky charms - although no, I won't really be using that raccoon penis bone - will work just fine. Whether you're superstitious or not, a bit of luck, salt over your shoulder and a short prayer will probably do your day a bit of good.
Andy Biggins knows that life isn't a box of chocolates but he loves it as sweetly as if it were! Travelling and Gadgets rule his world, and if you want to know more about his thoughts on just about those 2 topics, swing by his site The Big Life
Monday, October 20, 2008
Brain drain of desires
Next, I was come up with a plan, identify projects, apply time management, find motivation, list goals, work towards milestones.
Instead, strangely, I find myself empty of desire. I do what I want each day. Little has anything to do with the desires I listed. People call me up and offer me work, and I'll say "yes" or "no" depending on whether it's sensible work for me to do. I enjoy watching the sunlight falling upon the brick buildings. I talk to people, and I have a great curiosity. They may insult me, or praise me, or be resistant, or be upset. None of these affect me, I'm just become more curious, I become more fascinated.
What's interesting is that without the noise and clutter in my mind, I can hear more subtle signals. I can hear the small voice in my mind that suggests perhaps what I should be doing is helping people through the singularity, and take it seriously.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Being conscious
When I am in what I call a conscious state of mind It feels as if I am physically different.
Mentally I am more lucid and clear minded, physically I am more relaxed. I feel peaceful and I always have a sense of the awareness that perceives, that stillness.
When I am in this state my intentions seem to become real so much more easily. Positive little things will cross my mind and then appear in reality.
Meditation and understanding the ego and how it drains your energy has been my biggest progress towards this state.
After reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle was the first time I experienced it (I observed my egoic thoughts all day and eventually they went quiet). It is totally different to my "natural" state which consists of up-and-down energy, a cloudy mind and thoughts that are all over the place.
Luckily I am experiencing this more and more so I would love to know if anyone relates to this or has other experiences.
What do you find makes you conscious?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
“1. Difficult to understand.”
“2. Very intense, profound, or intriguing."
Opposite of "deep" is "shallow". Often I heard ppl saying, "Oh, you are so shallow!" What does it mean exactly?
I think the word shallow could be looked at metaphorically in the sense that it indicates a person who is not connected with his deeper true self and therefore clings to whatever he thinks is the best way of acting.
If you don´t recognize yourself as an intrinsic part of life and see your connectedness to other people and life in general you will base your perception of self-identity from your education/friends/work/social status and so on. Then you will be always seeking fulfillment outside of yourself and become easily "brainwashed by the media" or your social roles. The more you are identified with your roles and not your true self the more shallow you become.
I think that in a sense we are all shallow in some way but we recognize it more in others than in ourselves. The cure and the best way to cultivate depth of personality and character is then to listen to your inner self, your heart, your soul, your buddha-nature (whatever you choose to call it) because then your action will be based on wisdom and compassion, spreading love, joy and peace to the world around you.
There may be people who at present are seemingly incapable of being deep. To some it comes naturally, but in many it seems to have been sought out and eliminated during their upbringing which is generally intent on making everyone as similar as possible, at least outwardly.
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My tips to maintaining good energy levels
1. Get up at a fixed time every morning. Usually your body will oversleep by default, and that can make you more tired. Sleeping in will not boost your energy. I set my alarm clock at 6:30 every morning, even during weekends or public holidays. I love to feel the morning coldness and transquility, and those early birds chirping for food., a side effect of getting up early every day even on weekends is that you have to sleep less and feel more rested.

2. Exercise. Give yourself half an hour each day for some exercises, like jogging, walking or ball games. I understand by the time we beat the traffic jam to reach home, it is already 7 or 8 pm. How to workout in this case? So my tip is to do it during weekends, while on weekdays, try to walk as much as you can.I guarantee you after a few weeks of constant exercise, your energy level will improve and you won't feel that tired.
3. Eat healthily. I know food here tastes great. Try to reduce oil and fried food.
4. Don't stay up late. If you sleep through the alarm clock or subconsiously turn it off in your sleep you're not getting enough sleep. Turn it up louder if this happens. I find if I stay up past 1 am I usually can't get out of bed very easily the next morning. So I make it a point to sleep by 11pm or latest 12.
5. Stop thinking that you hate feeling a lack of energy. Do not think you are tired..Stop saying you are tired.
Yes, I planning to go jogging now...its a hot day, so i got to drink more water first!
Friday, October 10, 2008
An great life experience....

Relationships really are an awesome way to grow and experience life and I absolutely agree with this statement. Wait till you're in a relationship then you'll begin to discover more likeness in the other person, especially the negative ones, then we'll do an introspection and realise that there are just so much we need to change in order to be a better person, for ourselves and for the ones we love.
Our partners can be the best mirrors in our lives!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
How to solve any problem
Also, we are not the circumstances of our lives, nor a creation of the world of matter.
Who we are is so fabulous that it is kept secret; it's a secret that societies shun; it's a secret that we shun; it's a secret that the enlightened teachers throughout history have tried to disclose, only to be murdered or have their words misquoted and their ideas misconstrued.

Behind the masks of ego, mind, and body, rests our soul, our primal consciousness. This consciousness is not separate from pure consciousness, but rather an expression of it, the way a drop of water is an expression of the great ocean.
When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?
We think and feel intensely, we take action, and we rush to others whom we perceive as more powerful than ourselves to solve it.
Usually, the problem persists, is aggravated, or is poorly solved.
Yet despite this almost complete failure of results, we continue to use this strategy. The result is the chaotic world that you see around you. Everyone is trying to force solutions. Oppression, grief, and travail are part of the history of this world.
The secret has been out in the open for centuries. Massive religious institutions have been built around it. Yet no-one sees the secret for what it is-an answer to all our problems.
Huge tracts are written about the secret. The result is that the secret is now obscured by a thousand rationales and commentaries, distortions and dangerous lies.
If the secret is that we are miraculous beings with magical powers, how do we open the gates to unleash this power?
We contact the secret through stillness. "Be still and know that I am God." is how the Bible puts it.
In stillness and in silence, call it meditation or contemplation, our urgent emotions evaporate, our mind becomes quiet, and our insistent egos give up trying to find an answer. At this point, when the mind is silent, the body is still, and the ego is resigned, then, and only then, do we unleash the force of our Beingness to solve each and every problem.
Author Resource:- Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Power Of Your Words
On a more practical level, your word still remains highly potent.
With your words, you can wound someone, sending them into spirals of defeat, and with your words you can heal someone, raising them up from a dismal place to soaring hope and motivation. In fact, the entire field of self-improvement is the transmission of words that will assist others to get a firm perspective and move forward with their lives, fulfilling their dreams and desires.
On a personal level, too, your words affect you. What you say to yourself about anyone or anything affects you, too. If you speak well of someone or something, you bring more of that harmony into your life. And if you speak ill of someone or something, you bring more of that frustration and anger and conflict into your life.
Psychological literature often speaks of numerous cases where a parent's words, spoken casually, can affect the destiny of a child. And the most potent words that a parent can use to affect a child are those spoken at the time of dying...since these are the last words, and the moment is so highly-charged and the awareness so acute, these words become an imperative that the child now feels obligated to never disown.
Words are further charged with the emotion behind them. The stronger the emotion, the more highly charged the words. Many a love affair has fallen by the wayside because of emotionally charged words, which are later regretted.
Despite all this, people use words with the utmost casualness. People wreck their own lives and that of others through the careless use of words. They also accept the words of others as a given truth, when, in fact, all comments by others are merely opinion.
Words are causes set in motion, they are reality-creators.
The most marvelous aspect of words is how they can bend time. The brilliantly crafted words of Shakespeare or the eloquence of Martin Luther King still shape our lives. Words are so sacred that whole buildings are used to archive them and make them available for consumption.
A person can rise from poverty to wealth, from sickness to health, and from loneliness to loving companionship simply through exposing themselves to the most beneficial stream of words.
Words not only steal hearts, but shape reality as well. The earth can be a better place because of your choice of words. You can fill lives with the miracles of your words. You can be an agent for positive change and bring out the best in yourself and others simply by how you use words. Words are psychic shape-shifters...use them wisely.
Author Resource:- Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you would like to find out more ways to make your dreams come true, you can access his F.R.E.E. book here:
Monday, October 6, 2008
Creating Hunger to Motivate
On your persuasive journey, you will find that people tend to get motivated for the short term, that they lose steam and that they then fall back into the rut they were trying to pull themselves out of in the first place. As a persuader and motivator, you have to understand what pulls people away from action into inaction. What causes them to lose excitement, vision and energy? When you notice that your prospects are losing their motivation, these are the common reasons why they are doing so:
• They have not yet found their passion. – They are going through life using desperation as a motivator, or they haven’t yet found anything that really inspires them.
• They have a poor attitude. – They are run down with a negative attitude. Their expectations and beliefs are not congruent with their goals.
• Their intent is diminishing. – They have previously been on the right track but they’ve now lost their drive. They have forgotten the real reasons why they were motivated in the first place.
• They are indifferent. – They just don’t care anymore. They have lost the ability to express concern or to make a difference in their own life or in the lives of others.
• They have become creatures of habit. – They have not replaced their previous bad habits and have fallen back into old ones.
• They lack persistence. – They have given up too easily and have gotten stalled at the first obstacle.
• They have no sense of urgency. – They have set no timeframe for achievement. The pain of not changing doesn’t hurt badly enough that they’ve got to act now.
• They have succumbed to peer pressure. – The people around them are more motivating than you are. They have not found the support they need to resist against the peers whose esteem they value.
• They lack vision. – They have sacrificed long-term success for short-term pleasure.
• They lack knowledge. – They don’t know how to make the necessary changes in their lives or they are not doing so correctly.
• They lack confidence. – Confidence comes only after action, knowledge and success have been achieved.
• They have no game plan. – They are overwhelmed or waiting for everything to fall into order. They have no action plan.
• They simply don’t want to do it. – They don’t want to pay the price. Their goal is only a dream and nothing more. They are using external desperation as their motivator, or they are living their lives the way others want them to.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
All Things Are Possible, Even For A Nobody
At times we might assume that success is a matter of luck. We might say, "He was just in the right place at the right time." Looking at the Old Testament story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, we could think it was like that for David. Personally, I’m not sure there’s anything "right" about the place or timing when you’re facing a giant who wants to kill you. But for us, just like it was for David, it’s not just about being in the right place at the right time; we also have to be the right person in that place and time.
When we first meet David, Samuel the prophet has been sent to David’s hometown of Bethlehem and to David’s father Jesse. God told Samuel that he was to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the next king of Israel. Because he was worried that King Saul would kill him, Samuel pretended to be in town for a sacrifice and told Jesse that he and all his sons were invited to join him.
When Samuel met Jesse’s sons, he saw the oldest son and said to himself, "Surely, the Lord’s anointed is before Him!" (1 Sam. 16:6). But God spoke to Samuel and told him, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Sam. 16:7).
And so it went for all seven of Jesse’s sons who were at the sacrifice. Samuel was a little confused when God didn’t choose any of them, so he asked Jesse if he had any other sons. Then Jesse said something like, "Oh yeah...I do have one more, the youngest. But he’s out taking care of the sheep."
I find it interesting that David wasn’t with his brothers at the sacrifice. Did they forget to tell David about the invitation? Was he such a good shepherd that his father didn’t feel comfortable leaving the sheep with anyone else? Did David get the invitation but ask to be excused because he was too busy with the herd? Or was it because he was the youngest and least important of Jesse’s sons? We really don’t know.
When David finally joined them, we find out that he was just a young man who probably wasn’t old enough, and definitely wasn’t big and strong enough, to even be in the army, let alone to command it. He certainly wasn’t the person anyone would have chosen to be king. He didn’t have the knowledge or experience and he definitely didn’t know the right people. And as the youngest in his family, he didn’t have the position, money, or influence to do much of anything. Basically, David was a nobody.
Like David, each one of us starts out as a nobody. We have no fame, no fortune, and as far as other people can tell, no future. But no matter what other people may think, we know that our lives can be different. We have to realize, as David did, that it doesn’t matter where we start, as long as we get started.
For David it seemed like a single event, his victory over Goliath was what changed his life. But like the athlete who prepares in solitude, David had actually been preparing for a long time. He had faithfully used the circumstances that God brought into his life, he had taken advantage of every opportunity to hone his skills and learn to trust God all while working as a lowly shepherd taking care of his father’s sheep.
There may be times when we look at our current circumstances and think that there isn’t much we can do. We assume that the things we want and that God wants for our lives are just too hard to achieve where we are right now. We feel that the right opportunity won’t come our way because we lack all the "important" stuff like knowledge, skills, connections, influence and money. But one thing that we learn from David’s life is that those aren’t the most important things, because with God, all things are possible.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
There is no magic to wealth
There are plenty of ways to help you become wealthy - be it starting your own business or learning how to invest. All of these wealth generating methods have a steep learning curve and aren’t easy to master. As a matter a fact you will probably fail the first three or four times. However with perseverance you will be successful. The only way you can really fail at it, is if you will stop trying.
Next step should in my opinion be combined with previous. Money management will be a key to your long term success. Have you heard of lottery winners who after winning millions, go broke within a few years? The only reason that happens is lack of money management knowledge. So in order for you to be able to keep your new found fortune, you must learn how to manage you money.
These tips might seem very common sense to you, and they are. The important thing is that they work. There are countless examples of people going from rags to riches. Every single one of those people followed some version of a plan I described above.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
How we view money decide our wealth
I believe that the answer is yes. Not only we can change our money fate, but we can also change it for our children and their children.
Imagine a following situation. You grow up poor, but something changes and in the midst of your life and you become very wealthy. Knowing your past, you treat that money with great respect and teach your children to do the same. That legacy stays with your family for generations.
The question remains - what do we have to change in order for us to change our money "fate"?
One of the biggest things we are going to have to change about our selves is how we view money. If our attitude about money is negative (i.e. we look at it as a "necessary evil", something that is against our nature but a must if we want to survive in this life) what do you think are chances of you being fantastically wealthy? This kind of attitude will give us exactly what we deserve - we will be able to survive on a bare minimum all our life.
As a matter a fact how you view money will in large dictate you financial situation, giving you a sort of a blueprint your life follows, financially speaking. For example an attitude of lack (a constant financial shortcoming) will effectively keep you struggling for as long as you think of it as a reality. In fact it is a self fulfilling prophecy. Because you think that money is a struggle, it de-motivates you not to try to bring your self to find ways to improve your situation. So the first step is to change your attitude about finances - learn to respect and honour money.
I will talk more about it in my next post. Tired now after doing my research on this topic :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
About Life Succecss
People are too busy rushing around looking for 'the answers' to life success from others that they never even stop long enough to look up at the wall.
Others look up and see the wall but decide against climbing it, perhaps out of being 'politically correct', or 'respectful' to the designers of the trap, or perhaps because of the short burst of intense effort necessary to scale the wall of life success, or perhaps because they don't want to get their clothes in a mess.
So they look back down, sigh, resign to the quiet desperation of 'looking for the exit', and start running again, faster, and faster, thinking that speed or struggle will help them succeed.
They bump into others, asking the others for the answer, but never stopping to consider within themselves for long enough, never taking the time or giving them self the self-trust or space to put the puzzle of success together.
Life Success… where is it? What is it? Where does it come from?
Constriction, exhaustion, almost a strangulation, diminishing their energy - they begin to walk, they recover their breath, feel more at ease and control in this moment, strolling along, sometimes even with a smile, watching the others running around who are looking for the exit out of this trap.
Some accept that there is no escape, no exit, and they become cynical and negative of the people who are still running, they say 'slow down or you might fall and get hurt, there is no rush, we all end up the same way anyway, nothing is important except enjoying the moment, why be concerned, why try, just stick to what you know".
Some then resign so much that they sit down on the comfortable bench. They somehow fool themselves into thinking they are on top of things, but their gaze is hazy, only straight ahead, they have lost their way not just outside in the maze, but inside in their mind and spirit as well.
Ice-cream vendors are at hand, manned by bright smiles, covering sinister clown masks, that morph into creatures of evil at certain angles of light, but you can never be quiet sure, until..
You arrive into this opening with the bench and you suddenly stop, aware of a strange new feeling that washes over you making you at once aware of Two Worlds. It was a flash of color and a distant sound that caught your attention, look out for it. As you catch your breath back somehow things are different, in you, you are different. You sit down besides this other person, and you can feel the person begin to frown as you turn to the person very slowly and frown in the same way too, as they also turn in the same way to you.
You catch eye to eye and a rippling shiver begins an uncontrollable journey up your spine from the base of your back towards your head and washes over your slightly contorted face muscles.
In the next moment, that other person is no longer of consideration and you understand the pattern of the maze. You look upwards, skywards, and your mind is thinking differently now.
You see the wall that you would have used to run along, but now you look above it. You stand. You draw in a deep breath. You feel a renewed vigor, passion, and self-assurance.
You are going to figure out how to get over that wall, that hurdle, and you are going to begin now.
Life Success.
"I can".
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On solving our probems...
Isn't that mean we are all deserving?
Behind the masks of ego, mind, and body, rests our soul, our primal consciousness. This consciousness is not separate from pure consciousness, but rather an expression of it, the way a drop of water is an expression of the great ocean.
When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?
We think and feel intensely, we take action, and we rush to others whom we perceive as more powerful than ourselves to solve it.
Usually, the problem persists, is aggravated, or is poorly solved.
Yet despite this almost complete failure of results, we continue to use this strategy. The result is the chaotic world that you see around you. Everyone is trying to force solutions. Oppression, grief, and travail are part of the history of this world.
The secret has been out in the open for centuries. Massive religious institutions have been built around it. Yet no-one sees the secret for what it is-an answer to all our problems.
Huge tracts are written about the secret. The result is that the secret is now obscured by a thousand rationales and commentaries, distortions and dangerous lies.
If the secret is that we are miraculous beings with magical powers, how do we open the gates to unleash this power?
In stillness and in silence, call it meditation or contemplation, our urgent emotions evaporate, our mind becomes quiet, and our insistent egos give up trying to find an answer. At this point, when the mind is silent, the body is still, and the ego is resigned, then, and only then, do we unleash the force of our Beingness to solve each and every problem.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Exercise your Mind
Give Your Brain Exercises
Long term exercise can boost brainpower instantly. The best way to boost long term brain power is to exercise for at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Exercising greatly helps your brain in clearing your head and thought processes. It stimulates oxygen and will help you think. Most people cannot take the first step and start exercising and when a person starts exercising they quit after a week due to over exerting themselves! When you start exercising please don’t give up! Not only does it help your thought processing, it will get you physically fit!
Solve Problems!
Take other people’s problems and solve them! You ever have any friends that will talk your ear off for hours about their problems? Well put yourself in their shoes and play the game “What would you do if you were them?” Not only will you solve their problems you can turn your problem solving ideas into cash by putting it into an ebook! If your friends are having those problems, I am sure there are plenty of others having the same problems. Debt is a HUGE problem now since the economy is doing horrible.
Take a Bath
Believe it or not, taking a bath will relax all the muscles in your body and clear your head. Relaxing is key to clearing your mind and increasing your mind power and ability to think and learn. Some of the best ideas in the world have come in the shower or bath tub. That is where I found all my money making ideas. Also, I am sad to say, on the toilet also. Reason being you is in one of the greatest stages of relaxation causing your mind to think.
Listen to Music
Listening to music is one of the best ways to the success of achieving total power of the mind. Music is the most relaxing tool for curing stress and other medical disorders. Next time you are struggling coming up with ideas, put on some music and work at the same time. Ideas flow to my head instantly when I listen to music.
As you can see, there are many key factors to achieving mind power instantly. The key is finding something that makes you relax and able to clear your head. Not all ideas in this article make work for everyone but for most people they definitely will work. You should give them a try right away. I mean what do you have to lose? In whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck! It is hard achieving total self-help and relaxation but with the right tools you can overcome any challenge!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Perfect Vacation
Now look at the pic below. This's my perfection vacation. Sitting lazily by a crystal blue beach listening to sways of waves and chirps of the sea birds and soothly winds coming at your face.
I really wish I can off to rest, relax and rejuvenate.
Not just now, everyone should work towards that, and experience the beauty of life.

Be well and be kind..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Be "attractive"
Most will say want but stagnate at the first ray of light. That's because of your current limiting beliefs. You don't give a single thought on these limiting beliefs that may be wrong. It is always possible that these beliefs have come to you from your parents, friends or college.
And the only reason that we haven't done is because we have not been taught to challenge those beliefs. If we just start challenge those beliefs which result in saying no. We can create a better world around us than we have now. Just think if Mr. Ford have challenged his beliefs that he can have a company like ford motor company. Or If Edison not challenged his beliefs about a bulb creation. Do you think a bulb could be made?
This universe is requesting to you through my words that please do ask whatever you want. This universe is ready to give you whatever you want; you just have to change those beliefs that are negative. Just remove three words from your vocabulary "no", "don't", "not". These words are made by us only, our god or this universe has given you the word "abundance". Just focus on this word. Everything which we can see or think of has been made for us only.
In other word, focus on what you want rather on what you do not want. You can have, be whatever you want. Just shift your awareness. Just focus on abundance.
There will be some moments at start when negativity will come to you. Then just remind yourself on what you want. If you can live a fulfilled life on this very factor of "what you want" can change your life.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Random Sharing
I tried to brush it off, but she persisted, so I told her I did not want to talk about it. She understood as obviously I had that reluctance shown in my face. I gave her a big smile and assured her I would love to tell her more about my family when I sort out something first.
I don’t know if I am getting sick but yesterday I had one of those pressure headaches. It felt like some gigantic hand grabbed a hold of my brain and squeezed it like sponge. I tried everything to get rid of it. A nap, tylenol, voffee, carbs, a balanced meal even loads of water. I read some where that you could be dehydrated and that is why you might have a headache. Of course this headache could be caused by stress as well. I wish I had a drain tube and then I could relieve the pressure.
I did wake up with out a head ache this morning but I feel drained as hell. Maybe I a getting sick it is that time of year for me to get sick. Oh well what are you going to do?
Have a wonderful happy day today.
Monday, September 22, 2008
sombre monday mood
Spiritually, I can sense that human's emotions are getting impatient and extreme ever since the turn of the century, or the so called internet age. The more advanced and connected we are, the more impatient and reckless we've become. Why is that so? Does this coincide with the doomsday talk? Sorry if I sound too dark..maybe it is Monday and I am not out of the weekend mode.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Life's full of lessons
We all learn our lessons at different times depending on what fate throws our way. To me the most important lesson is to remember to be happy with the life you have. We are only given one life after all. So cherish it!
Dun get me wrong, it's gd to have dreams and goals, but when you spend all your time wishing your life away, someday you wake up and realize that life really has passed you by.
Marie Callas teaches that we should not waste so much time and energy worrying about how others think of you - self esteem; another is to always give your best in everything you do. It could be the happiest moment in life when you have done that- no matter the outcome. Remember no one is immune to life's lessons and they always happen for a reason which may set you thinking for years to come.
Another one which is highly valid is that we need to treat other people in the way what you want others to treat you...this is a very simple yet how many people manage to do that? It is common to see someone quickly putting the blame on others when it is quite apparent that you are the one in the wrong.
Marie Callas says that when you freely give kindness or help others, suddenly your life is full of surprising and wonderful things that you never imagined possible.
This is life wisdom..
Friday, September 19, 2008
Overcoming low energy level
Lately I find it tough to get out of bed in the morning. A few months back, I still managed to pull myself up for a short morning meditation in the cooler morning air. Yet lately, i've been guilty of missing some sessions. I feel the positive energy is always insufficient in life. Yes, we have all been there, probably signs of older age??
That's why I taking up Marie Callas advise to rejuvenate the life this weekend! She says fatigue is a sign that your body is calling out for more support. The best sources of natural energy include sunlight, fresh air, and enjoyable movement. Watch movies that inspire or make you laugh. Go for walks outside. Pamper my body. Have more fun. Breathe. Energy is the celebration of your life. Also, eat more food that contains energy like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are bursting with life!
Great advice by Marie here.
"Having more energy involves making a conscious choice to be alive, in a physical body, and deciding that you want your life to be a good experience. Choice is very powerful and is the pivot on which your world turns. When you consciously decide that you want to be alive, you also choose to love yourself in very practical terms. That means doing whatever is necessary to associate with passions, dreams, and actions that increase the amount of energy and joy in your life."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Need positive poeple
In the middle of all these bad news, what's the best way out for us? It is direct answer. Give and surround yourself with more good news than bad news! Easier say than done?
There are always positive people around no matter how bad it is. They are your treasures and they can drive off the negativities away from you. From here, you can gradually feel that life is back on track.
Yes, it is important that I identify sources of positive energies today..political and financial turmoils could bring down people. There is a need to find back the rhythm of life through contact with more positive sources. They are everywhere and it is up to your sharp eyes to find them.
For example, someone in your office could be one or could be from your network of friends. This positive aura will be coming from each and every individual you may find.
Finally, it is safe to say that making yourself acquainted with positive people will not only be good for your well being, it will also positively affect your career tremendously.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Turmoil around..
Marie Callas says now we are already in the astrological period of pluto in capricorn, which is a notoriously famous window of major changes based on the past cycles. That's is why I realise a lot of big changes are coming up. Our govt could be changed and world financial giants could collapsed which is never heard of. One can't but shudder at the big changes that are affecting the economy, whether local or international. My family are worried that their AIA policies won't pay if AIG is not waking up. But apparently the US Fed is rescuing them as I write this. So it may provide some respite at this moment to calm commoner's minds.
I myself also have a couple of AIA insurances. I read that in Spore there is a long queue to terminate policies! Isn't that a bit rashed? I am not sure but I am just following my intuition. I did have this kick to cancel too when news first broke out but my intuition told me to hhold on i just obey it.
Hope for the best!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The joy of giving
Marie Callas tells me this is not the right way to view things..because this universe's abundance is ever growing and the more we give happily, the more it will come back to us, all in the law of attraction. As said, the man gives in a spirit of abundance and in the fullness of time receives back many times over.
Either you have scarcity attitude or give generously, it depends on your personal outlook. If you are the first kind, that does not mean you are not a good person.
If you are the other kind, it could mean you are a person full of belief, faith and certainty in this world.
Five ways to give:
1. Give some of your time to those needy people. No need money here. Just give your time by helping them out.
2. Contribute to the society with your special talents to make the world better.
3. Give something of yourself as long as there are opportunities. This is how the universe works and the secret to abundant living.
4. Give in secret because the important aspect of your giving is the thought behind it, not the actual gift itself.
5. Give without any thought of return.
It is the thought or intention that counts the most. Your positive attitude too! When you give out of love for others, your giving comes from a sacred place. It is blessed. And you will be blessed in return.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Every talented person..
A friend of mine is good in guitar playing and composing. But he said he would not have played guitar if his parents did not buy for him a guitar when he was young. He took an interest and discovered he has the natural talent for that musical instrument. That's why some talents are naturally shown, while some talents are innate, showing only when discovered.
So sometimes when you discover you have that talent, you will spend a lot of time and passion making it even better, it's like a inborn trait to you. Then you focus on it and you finally may get it working, thus possible even fame!
It could also be sometimes you may have a natural talent but you remain undiscovered. How?
If that's the case, do not despair...just do what you think you are the best at and do it well. Beause deep inside, you are sure that one day your effort will be paid off!
Do it well and you will gain more blessings and experience as you carry on. There is nothing better in the world than able to do something that you are good at and something that you like, isn't it?
Be grateful, value what you are born with and be blissful.
Life should be lived this way.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
No stress
I hope I am not behaving oddly. I would be aghast if someone were to gossip behind my back saying she's been weird recently.
No one can free from stress, unless life's been too good for you. So it is important to find out different ways to stay away from stress and reduce the amount of negative reactions to stress.
Marie Callas tells me that as soon as we come across something that makes us unhappy or excited in a certain manner, a portion of your brain reacts and send out stress hormones inside the body. These hormones bring about certain changes in your body. You can feel your heart beating faster, palms sweat and give your knots in your stomach.
While a little of it is perfectly all right, like seeing someone you love walks by, too much of this turns harmful into stress on your body. As a result, you can suffer from bad health. Too much stress can make you feel lousy and easily irritable. Everything in your eyes seems to be greyish and you are like an arrow on a bow string ready to be released.
So..relaxed! Go out, have fun, laughter and mix with people you like.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Life on purpose
I suppose that is the right thing to do now. To love myself as I am and start to live my life on purpose, which is to let my soul reaches out to express more of itself. Instead of doing what i should do, i start doing what i want to do; and instead of conforming, I start informing myself about who i am and why I am here. Through this change, my entire viewpoint in life shifts.
Take for example, instead of always complaining about the job, why not view it as a way to improve myself as part of the force that contributes to the nation (well, i know this statement is unconvincing, given the calamitous state of politics here in this country at this moment).
Let me quote you are nice paragraph i read:
Who you are is a miracle and where you are is a place where miracles can happen. As you look back, remembering the person you used to be, the one who was afraid of yourself, other people and the world, who protected yourself by sealing up your heart, you feel at once appalled and amazed at your own resistance to letting yourself really feel alive.When i let go, I do not encounter shame or void. In front there is a fullness of being that had always been there, a fullness that I had never noticed before.
So my destiny is not written in the stars. No way. It is not dictated by others. It is locked in my own feeling and the key to freedom is in my own hand. When I open up my heart, I will know these things.
Once I find the courage to love who I really am inside, it will open the way for me to start living life on purpose. When i break out of the prison of fear and lack, I will surely find magic and miracles waiting to show me the way home to my real self.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Energy Healing
Energy healers believe that this universal energy flows through the body in recognizable patterns. This energy extends beyond the surface of the body and creates an energy field, also known as an aura or bio-field. When an individual’s energy patterns are balanced and free flowing, a healthy life can be enjoyed. When the energy field becomes disrupted, weakened or blocked, however, the symptoms of physical and emotional damage can occur. Prolonged disturbances in an individual’s energy field can lead to chronic pain, disease and emotional disturbances.
Many mainstream health systems have employed the life energy principle within their healing methods. Well known healing techniques such as chiropractic healing, shiatsu massage, acupuncture, osteopathy, acupressure, naturopathy, reiki, touch therapy and several others, employ various forms of energy field or life force principles in the treatment and diagnosis of patients. Traditional health care providers increasingly offer these healing techniques as a compliment to orthodox medical care.
Energy healing works by reconfiguring the energy that exists within and around all living things. Energy manipulation performed by a practitioner corrects imbalances and blockages in the flow of life energies through the body. The reconfiguring of life energy is commonly performed with the hands, in some cases it is carried out remotely. Life energy also acts as a catalyst to accelerate the natural healing process of the body. When life energy is applied to the unhealthy part of the body the rate of recovery or healing is increased.
Practices such as, qi-gong, tai-chi, yoga and focused meditation also involve the perception, manipulation and direction of universal life energy within the body. Additionally, thought field therapy incorporates similar methods for establishing and maintaining emotional well being.
Does Energy Healing Really Work?
The thousands of energy healing recipients who have benefited from the practice would answer in the affirmative. Is there any scientific data to back up these claims? Admittedly, energy healing techniques have not been the focus of a great deal of government funded research; however, the studies hat have been performed lend credibility to the effectiveness of this method of healing.
For instance, the medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine published a review of clinical trials concerning various types of alternative healing methods. Energy healing was found to be the most effective practice, producing statistically significant results in 65 percent of the test subjects.
To put this finding into perspective, many drugs in use today fail to achieve a response rate higher than 50 percent in clinical trials.
One of the most complete studies of research showing the effectiveness of energy healing comes from psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel J. Benor. Dr. Benor surveyed all such research and studies made prior to 1990. They consisted of research performed on, cells, yeasts, bacteria, enzymes, plants, animals and humans. Of the 131 controlled experiments on spiritual, psychic, prayer or psi healing, over 50% showed statistically significant results. In 56 of the studies performed, there was less than a 1 in a 100 possibility that positive results were due to chance.
Perhaps the most significant evidence of the effectiveness of energy healing techniques stems from the growing number of people seeking such treatments. It is doubtful that a practice with limited benefits would continue to attract so much interest.
About the author: Dr.Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D. Is the author of "Judo for the Soul - The Art of Psychic Self Defence", as well as numerous articles and papers relating to metaphysics and the study of paranormal phenomena. Further information about Dr. Palmer and his books can be found at
Article Source:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Never listen to my intuition, so....
If I had heeded my intuition, i could have been a few thousand ringgits richer by now and in this tough time when prices of every commodity seems to be rising, that money would have been a really nice small cushion against inflation. Well, it was not to be.
You know what happens?
My intuition told me to buy lottery last weekend for the last 4 digits of my handphone. Silly me..instead I never listen to it and instead went to buy the last four digits of my house phone, because I feel chances of it winning are higher! What reason is that, isn't it?!
So my friend, when someday, something inside you, a little voice keep ringing a message, you must listen clearly and obey it. Most of the times, it is trying to help you and it is up to you to catch the signal.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Shall I be contented?
Marie Callas' answer to me for this query is spectacular. She asks "Was God, the Creative Force, content to create the earth, sun, moon and a few stars and planets? NO! The Master Creator created more and more and more--infinitely MORE galaxies, infinitely MORE stars, infinitely MORE comets, infinitely MORE nebulae--the Universe is endless!"
Yes it is true, there are always reports of new stars, galaxies and planets being discovered.
If we are the physical extension of the nonphysical creative force and we cannot help but continue to create through our desires and thoughts.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Purpose in life
Somehow i used to make this mistake that making money will lead to fulfillment, but apparently that is not the case. Yes it will make you high but that inner needs in you will not be satisfied. But it didn't work out that way. The more I followed this path, the less satisfied I was. And a lot of times, the person will only realise this after some major events in his or her life!
For example, I attended a seminar recently and the speaker said he was standing here not to make money, but its because he loves talking to people in a big group, and this is something that gives him highs in his life. He was very blessed that he found what he really likes in life and make a living out of it!
What i learn from him is that when I am doing something I am passionate about, I will feel like i am here in this world FOR A PURPOSE!
When you're clear about your purpose and living it, the universe will give you what you want. It begins with clarifying your life purpose, designing your action plan to fulfill on it, getting into action, and watching as the results unfold.
Remember, find your passion in life; do not let it overshadowed by money making!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Helping and smiling make us better
If you can, do some humanitarian works that put sunshine into other people's lives like donating food, clothes and utilities to old folks or orphans. Even like buying that homeless person a burger. Yes, it sound stupid in mentality here. I guess no one will do this kind of thing here, me included. So i m quite hypocritical to suggest that here. Forgive me.
Other tasks that put in smiles into other people include, holding the door for the old folks or kids. Or let other passengers get out of the transit before you go in. ITs really bad situation here my god. Or smile to colleagues, and wish them well.
Most of us have large compound here in this country. So why not get a big mat and lay on the grass patch to relax while looking at the stars above? It's such a relaxing way to unwind.
I like kids, so I make an effort to visit orphans so that I can play with them and let loose with them. Teach them how to be better person and teach them english.
It is no coincidence that the world becomes more beautiful for me as i make it more beautiful for others.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Start working on it, right away!
For example, a colleague of mine was supposed to be sent for a computer course to learn autocad, but instead of grabbing this opportunity with open hands, she shot herself dead by saying she is too dumb to learn such high end stuff. Then she complains that she works so hard why the company does not appreciate her work.
Which is what Marie Callas advises us not to underestimate our own abilities.
She says each time we tell ourselves we are not up to it and put something off, we strengthen our own beliefs that we are not capable of tackling these tasks. Tasks can be as simple as cleaning your house, passing an exam, learning a new language to complex ones such as managing a mammoth engineering project.
So whenever I notice I'm starting to think of a reason not to do something, I just force myself to start doing it, right away. For example, i dislike to do housework but the urge to complete the task ahead forces me to move my body towards the closet, open the door, grab the vacuum, plug it in, and start the cleaning process.
In the end of the task, my body feels lifted, although I am perspiring.
The right time to do something is when you notice you are trying to avoid doing it.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lessons learned
There are also many episodes of athletes failing under intense scrutiny, pressure or injury. Read American shooter, Matt Eamons, Brazilian gymnast, Hypolitto, and of course home favourite, Liu Xiang.
Isn't our life outside the sporting arena the same?
We got crushed by pressure and expectation during exams, job interviews, or love. I remember so vividly when one of my past relationships couldn't work out, and I cried for nearly whole night uncontrollably...
It is the strength that pulls us back the matters after that. Our mental strength to accept this blip in life and get right back on track.
Imagine how shooter Matt Eamons must be feeling after he faltered when it mattered, not just this time, but also in 2004 Game as well. But through the 2004 debacle, he met his wife, so he believed thing happened for a reason and good thing would come into his life soon again this time!
Yes, that's the way it should be. Things happen for a reason and it is usually a blessing in disguise!
Be strong!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Beijing Olympics 2008

For the sake of sporting spirits, please...political opportunists please get out of the way for these 3 weeks! Stop using Tibet to try to mess up the Games.
At least every 4 years, humans of different colours and religions can get together harmoniously for a common sporting cause.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
definition of happiness
Depression is a silent and gradual mental syndrome which can ruin a person if not stopped. I have exactly a colleague in my office who succumbed. It is a combination of factors which lead to that. Career mire and family pressure really does can sap a person's spiritual energy tremendously. When a person's spiritual and psychic energy is drained, he or she is like a walking corpse.
As I have volunteered in social services before, I do know that depression comes when people feel strengthless and powerless to improve or change your life. Psychic Marie Callas conveys this message that as soon as you realise "stressful reasons" were an isolated incident or source of unhappiness, and the rest of the world awaits you, you understand that you have your life under own fists.
So the big question is how do you define happiness?
The most simplistic way of defining happiness is, "it is the lack of any problem in life". So base on this definition, nobody is happy in this world! Richest men have problems too, like how to distribute their wealth so that they can build a legacy, and how to ensure their wealths are not misplaced in wrong hands or uses.
I do wish to say that the best news is that since no one is truly happy to be "problemless", it solely lies in your own hand how you are going to live your life fully.
So open up your mind to more positive sources to draw as much happiness into your life as possible..
Thanks, Marie Callas
Friday, August 8, 2008
Creepy or heartwarming?
This friend has unfortunately lost a sister due to a personal tragedy which I won't reveal and after the ceremony, she was tired and she was napping in her bedroom. She told me before she slept, she thought a lot about her, mourned over her loss and felt like her presence was still in the house, then she dozed off.
This is in her words as far as I can remember. Of course translated to English.
After letting all my confused thoughts go about her loss, I started to nod off to sleep, only to be awakened by a squeak at the end of my bed, then i felt weight on it, there was enough weight / pressure on the bed that it made my foot roll into it, I turned on my night light and saw an indent in the corner of the bed. Then I got a faint smell of her hair from the shampoo that she washed hair with... so i know she came to say goodbye.
Do you think it was creepy or heartwarming? Especially during this lunar 7th month?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
End of world coming?
Next came another talk that "millenium bug" would cripple computers around the world and even accidentally triggering nuclear weapons to be launched, thus a possibility would be the end of world. Well, I only remember the momentous celebrations around the world to welcome the new century.
Then there was another delay, was told that is was coming for sure in 2004. Then more predicted it would happen in year 2007. Last heard it would be on year 2010 and then now people are panicking for 2012...saying how accurate the Mayans is with time.
I do not believe. Personally, I'm betting that there will be another delay and heaps of people will be disappointed again.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Move on with courage
It is probably certain that we only learn and grow if we have failures in life, so do not fear it. You will remember these sad episodes for life! Look back with fondness and wonder at your resilience in the face of hardship too.
I fully agree the say of life is a long (or short) journey that has to be appreciated like fine wine. failures and successes come and go. Just accept them and move forward. Stop at the present for too long will only make a person complacent and contented. So accept what it is now and strive on.
Marie Callas asks me to forget and forgive as much as i can. Through this process, new sparks and energy will come into my life. Like a snake which has just renewed the skin.
Move on in the face of challenges courageously.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Transient emotions
Simply this tells people not to hold on to emotions for too long, but let go when it should be let go. This is transient, or in temporary short phases. If emotions are fervently held on and a person doesn't let go, it could become toxic, and this can build up high doses of toxicity inside a person. Do you want this to happen to ya? I suppose no one wishes for that right? But somehow, we still repeat this mistake throughout our lives.
Marie Callas quotes examples of emotions turning toxic.
What she says has a point to me.
People who are filled with hatred self destruct after years of negative attitude deep inside. For example, the recent case of a 15 year old Japanese school girl who killed her father was mainly due to the resentment and hatred towards her father who only wanted her to study more. Her hatred was filled to the brim and finally, tragedy happened. It wouldn't be the case if she learned how to let go, but I guess each society is different and she was still young to understand, however, human spirituality is the same no matter where you are.
Another example of obsessive love. Too much love for someone is negative too. It become obsessive to the extent of wanting to own someone totally. This leads to conflict and jealousy which are again, ingredients for a potential tragedy.
So, my friends, learn to understand emotions are transient. Accept that it comes into your life, but be humble to let it get out of you when the right time comes. Set direction arrows in your life and honour it.
Emotions are only bad when we fail to honour it and allow it to pass that it becomes harmful.
Friday, August 1, 2008
shots of confidence..
The people who are low on confidence regularly face letdown, the affect that they dimple have the loyalty in their ability. This kind of awareness set can be urban due to a gone breakdown, wherein a person might phobia that he/she will be incapable to achieve the goal just as the last time around. The very detail that you had faced a defeat turns you to think negatively, and, before generous a shot you advantage haughty disasters. All this will make you nothing but a person that was powerless to achieve zilch in his/her life.
Building confidence is not a relaxed mission, where after repeating the word a thousand times you will be thorough of confidence. This requires a very dependable help for you, something that has revealed the signs of glory in onwards. Hypnosis is something that you can walk your cranium towards. Many people have already used this to construct self-confidence and found it very supportive. Building confidence is something that is linked to the persons tend and there is no unfailing help presented as far as treating a heed is anxious but there is hypnosis that is the only help you can get.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Have a fun humor filled life
Since the existence ago, those were often discoveries conduct of trust them eventful, even when they didn't sincerely essential to do something and the behavior have been changing since then, yet all this time we have been giggling and enjoying good jokes. It is sweet evident that the new technologies have influenced every grassland of our lives, plus the customs we entertain ourselves, and time ago no one could've predicted we would get where we are nowadays.
Some would say that they could pretend nothing is mistaken and move on with their lives, just as if they didn't have a separate thing to pact with, but those are just very exceptional. I met a few, those, who, from time to time, when they feel dismal or morose, vacation one of the many web websites featuring those humorous videos, movies or in sincerely erratic suitcases jokes.
Enjoying those web pages is probably one of the cheapest and the easiest habits of having fun, without a terror you'll get obsessed with it, nor that your chuck your money as they're liberated of expense. Its vigorous to have more fun and not let anything trouble us at those worrying times, so we should all do something quaint and think positively.
To live our lives to the fullest, we should hinder killing it on irrelevant things that make us fewer opportune and don't permit us to enjoy ourselves.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In harmony to meet new people
Some people say I have a natural flair to network. Yes, getting to know people about some introductions is easy for me, but building up a new friendship or to know that new person better is a tough assignment. I think friendships should not based on looks because looks could fade.
For example, I met last weekend a couple who was really nice and they work full time on their own trading options. That's amazing! One of old friend is their disciple and my friend wanted me to meet her "mentors".
We talk a lot over the high tea, from local politics to economics which is always a profound topic to me. I really learn a lot. In the end, I wish to say "it's refreshing to meet such nice people!"
Friday, July 4, 2008
My friend - a case of self abandonment
They had plans to get married by next year as LY was not young anymore. She is 6 years younger than me hence you can know I am old! But after listening to her plights, I realise that all are not well between them as they had quarrels over little things but they managed to patch back fast.
As I know LY for over 2 decades, I know she had been through many of these break-ups and each one of them was equally dramatic and sympathetic. Sad to say, she had phobias but he appeared and managed to sweep her off her feet with his assurances. I remembered she said it was worth the wait. But I think by now..she must have grown numb of such affairs and i wonder how life will be like for her next time.
As i listen to her, the more I realise my friend LY has an obvious pattern that started since her childhood and this pattern continually manifested in each of her relationships.
She had a strict father who was the head of the household and as a smart kid, she knew she that as long as she won her dad's approval, her mom would be powerless to object her. That was why LY was always doing her best to win the approval. Only dad's approval and attention could bring her security and warmth of the family. This trend continued when she was into her late teens and twenties...
And for each of her romances, she wanted the guys to be responsible for how she feels she was worth. She then had to try to have control over his treating her the way she wanted to be treated so that she felt loved and worthy.
You can say she was the controlling kind of personality. She could cry, throw tantrums, get angry over little things, reprimand and etc....And when she got what she wanted from the guys, she was sweet, loving and caring. It was like there was two personalities in her. Even my friendship with her was not without any difficulties too. And she is always the one to throw the blames fast and quick....
In a way, I pity those guys who were with her. I had wanted to talk to her about it and each time she just wouldn't listen. So she became in and out of relationships that lasted not more than 2 years each time. Her latest one was the best she had as it was over 3 years! The guy must be very tired and overwhelmed by the responsibility of her feelings and ended the relationship.And now LY had treated him like an enemy who reneged on the promise.
Psychic Marie Callas calls this kind of human behaviour as "self-abandonment".
LY had really self abandoned her own feelings and she is happy to let others make her happy. Being happy is no longer her own responsibility but other people. Instead of learning about how she was treating herself when she felt alone, anxious, or depressed, she always looked for someone or something outside of herself to make her feel better.
In this kind of character, there is heavy judgement of oneself and thinking she is not good enough. So this kind of personality will look for others to make her feel good - in this case, her dad when she was young and boyfriends when she was a grown up.
As a good friend, I managed to tell her to listen to my view. She has to take responsibilities for her own feelings. She nodded in tears and agreed to listen to me and change her behaviour for the better and this is the last time she wanted to suffer this way.
Hopefully, this will make her more sensible and make her a better person. I wish the best for my dear friend.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Marie Callas - Lights at the end of the TUNNEL

Never never ever give up. Because if you do so, nothing in your dream will ever come true. If you stay on the course, you know very well that you are getting nearer and nearer to the destination. Life is a Marathon!
Light appears at the end of the tunnel and appears about the darkest of the nights. But light will never appear again if you give up half way through the darkest night.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Happy life
So on a monday morning, while I drive to work, I thought to myself, Happiness, Love, Luck...... what am I looking for the most? All the three I suppose!
My psychic, Marie Callas, advises, to sleep well the previous night and get up early in the morning to feel the morning moments of the earth by stepping on wet grass and doing some deep breathing.
I'm not sure if I have the luxury to do that here in this country as we are living in a compact surrounding, not helped by the warm weather all year round. Still I do as much as I can to do some morning breathing exercise.
In this way, I realise the tiny space I have in this world, as if just a speck of minuscule dust.
I don't care much about what's going on around. I just want to be happy and a good life. Don't think that's too much to ask for.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I like to visualise
With visualization, you can create whatever you want, provided you're able to settle on one thing and follow known processes through to their successful completion. You can use creative visualization to land a new job, find a new relationship, improve your self confidence, or manifest a new home.
In fact there's nothing you cannot be, have, or do by using creative visualization effectively and consistently.
Practise creative visualisation as much as you can. This is a part of what Marie Callas teaches. It may bring you great change in life!
Remember to lighten up your life
I am not going to write about politics. In fact I hate it as I think it is very hypocritical and many of top power men, either here or other countries, have over promised and under delivered.
That is why I recommend those who are feeling the pinch to joke and laugh more! It's the best medicine. Spare some time a day to lighten up and forget those unhappiness in life. And stop feeding on the more negative side of life..I know it's not easy as most people around are like that...just do your best to focus on the better sides of life.
Jokes are made up to give us the needed break from the monotonous of our daily work.
If there is nobody around, then you should laugh out loud! I always do that at home and my mom will ask me what happens! I do feel better after that and nothing beats the light feeling in my chest as I feel that everything is going to be all right again.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Throw away self pity
One that I learn is that when I am weak, I will self pity myself and hide into my own small corner. In the end, I realise this is the worst kind of addiction one can have.
Self pity makes us numb to the exuberance of lives around us. At this time, creativity is dead. Our lives just stop moving forward at that moment.
When you self pity, it is not something you can be proud of but too often I see people who feel their action is right...
Right, so from now on, discard your self pity. It's good that we laugh at ourselves at our follies when we look back. Learn to walk out of it, a small step at a time, but with strong steadfast steps.
To be ‘whole’ you again, you have to move on with your life.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
clarity of nature
Do not just treat nature as a swash of tall eerie trees. Marie Callas said that there is enormous energy emitting from nature? A motivational guru describes the energy vibrations of nature as being of the very highest order and able to raise the health of an individual simply by being in its presence.
Think back of a time you were surrounded by plain of tall trees. I remember when I was younger, I was climbing Mount Ophir with some school mates. The air was really different from those you breath in the city. I felt that the air was different as it filled your lungs and your mind seem so clear for that moment.
So, allow your different energies to combine and raise you to a higher level of awareness.
Friday, June 13, 2008
get regular exercise
I have one way out to de stress yourself. That is get a regular exercise! Get your body moving and sweating so that bad substances inside are flushed out. It is very important to maintain a good health.
For me, I like to have regular endurance cardiovascular exercise, like light running, swimming or brisk walking. Many of us rely on cars here hence it is good that we make use of our feets more.
When I first started exercising just a few months back, I found myself resisting to this idea. The flesh was weak. Hence it would be nice there is a group support encouraging each other. Hence I was very grateful to my younger sister for her constant encouragement.
Initally you may find it hard like short of breath. The thing is, do not force yourself. Get yourself into a regular rhythm. It would also be good if you exercise in the area that is pleasing to the eyes so that you can carry on better.
Then usually between 20 and 30 minutes, when your breathing has settled into a rhythm, you will find that voice start to quieten and allow a peace to overcome you.
Through this, I sweat and i get fit. And the fitter i am physically, I have a better frame of mind and look fresher too!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
trapped in the string of numbers..
Wow, I had a good pleasant surprise recently. Marie Callas I would like to tell you that the number you had given me made me richer by a few hundred ringgits. That's very exciting and rewarding for me, even though I'd hope for a bigger prize money. It's ok for now because I'm very confident I'll get a really big one one of these days when luck is very strong.
Marie Callas what I would hope you could help me more is that Marie please tell me more about the latest string of numbers you had given me. They are 29, 34, 14, 7, 31, 4, 18.
What would be the best 4 number combination from these numbers? Is there anyway you psychic Marie Callas can predict? I understand I'm very gambling addicted yet who doesn't dream of getting more money in life?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Take control and charge
I did experience that a few years ago and I can tell you it is really something unpleasant that makes you want to hide in your room and cry for days! So if you are experience such thing now, the key is not to focus on the negatives, but focus on the positives. I'm sure you can figure that out. There are always 2 sides of a coin. One good one bad.
When it seems that life is coming at you in every direction, stop and declare firmly that you are walking in perfect peace. Take back your joy, reclaim your victory, and let the enemy know that you have been broken but you are strong enough to know that you are not defeated. Take control of that very thing. You may have been broken but you are not weak!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I care about family and friends
There is this Chinese phrase, "天下没有不散的宴席", meaning there is no unending banquet in this world. Think this is an understatement because it is so true, to the point of stupidity. Recently, I have heard of many friends and old buddies going to work overseas for a few years. To places like Taiwan, Singapore, Australia or Europe. I'll miss them. They say the chances to earn money with higher value are too good to be turned down. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity that you will regret if you miss it. At least the experience lets you see what's happening in your host country. Some fall in love with that country and migrated there in the end or they married there.
I had this wish when I was younger. But in the end, because the family needs my support, I had to forgo this thought. I did not become bitter with my parents for holding me on to that. After all I understand their feelings. In the end, I managed to get into a local university, which was very lucky considering I am a Chinese. In this country, education quotas depend on your race colours, not your academic results. I hope that will change very soon in the new government, if not, I can't see my country leaping to the next level in near future.
In the end, my effort did not go to waste as I did well. And I managed to get a good secure job and that made my parents very happy. They are the very traditional kind of parents. No out of the line adventures in life. They do give me more freedom as I grew up. Now I totally have my own freedom and I got to know many people too.
Nowadays, we keep in contact and with things like Facebook and so, connectivity is not an issue anymore. It would be a crime if you did not do so some say! I do my best to keep in contact with people and i don't think I do well somehow as I was always busy due to work.
Family and friends are very important to me because they bring more colours and hopes into my life.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
a little thought
Some people drink to forget theirs. Others indulge in extravagances to make themselves happier. Some will meditate to transcend theirs. And some people even talk about them, in order to overcome and resolve theirs.
I thinking of a career change. But I not sure. It would depend on the next few months as I hope there is stability politically first. I'm sure there will as I'm confident of this place. But I wouldn't wnat to turn my back on everything I had built my life toward up to that moment. Let me ask my intuition first.